
    class UserClient(lightctl.client.base_client.BaseClient)
     |  Helper functions for acessing workspace users
     |  Example:
     |      uc = UserClient()
     |      wc = WorkspaceClient()
     |      workspaces = wc.list_workspaces()
     |      workspace_name_to_update = "Revenue"
     |      workspace_to_update = [workspace for workspace in workspaces if workspace["name"] == workspace_name_to_update][0]
     |      uc.add_user_to_workspace(workspace_to_update["uuid"], "", "editor")
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  add_app_user(self, user_id: str, role: str) -> Dict
     |      Add a user to the app
     |      Args:
     |          user_id (str): User id (email) of user to be added to workspace
     |          role (str): Role of user when added to app. Legal roles are "app_admin", "app_editor", "app_viewer"
     |      Returns: 
     |          dict: A user object
     |  add_user_to_workspace(self, workspace_id: str, user_id: str, role: str) -> Dict
     |      Add a user to a workspace
     |      Args:
     |          workspace_id (str): Workspace id
     |          user_id (str): User id (email) of user to be added to workspace
     |          role (str): Role of user when added to workspace. Legal roles are "viewer", "editor", "admin", and "observer" 
     |      Returns: 
     |          dict: A user object with role set to the user's role in the workspace
     |  app_users_url(self) -> str
     |      Returns:
     |         str: The app users endpoint, used for getting and modifying users
     |  delete_app_user(self, user_id: str)
     |      Remove a user from the app
     |      Args:
     |          user_id (str): User id (email) of user to be removed
     |      Returns: 
     |          ??
     |  get_app_user(self, user_id: str)
     |      Get an app user by user_id
     |      Args:
     |          user_id (str): User id (email) of user to be returned
     |      Returns: 
     |          dict: A user object
     |  list_app_users(self) -> List[Dict]
     |      Get all users in the app
     |      Args:
     |          workspace_id (str): Workspace id
     |      Returns:
     |          list: a list of users
     |  list_users(self, workspace_id: str) -> List[Dict]
     |      Get all users in the workspace
     |      Args:
     |          workspace_id (str): Workspace id
     |      Returns:
     |          list: a list of users
     |  remove_user_from_workspace(self, workspace_id: str, user_id: str) -> Dict
     |      Remove user from a workspace
     |      Args:
     |          workspace_id (str): Workspace id
     |          user_id (str): User id (email) of user to be removed
     |  update_app_user_role(self, user_id: str, role: str)
     |      Update a user's role in the app
     |      Args:
     |          user_id (str): User id (email) of user to be updated
     |          role (str): New role of user. Legal roles are "app_admin", "app_editor", "app_viewer"
     |      Returns: 
     |          dict: A user object
     |  update_user_role(self, workspace_id: str, user_id: str, role: str)
     |      Update a user's role in a workspace
     |      Args:
     |          workspace_id (str): Workspace id
     |          user_id (str): User id (email) of user to be removed
     |          role (str): New role of user. Legal roles are "viewer", "editor", "admin", and "observer" 
     |      Returns: 
     |          dict: A user object with role set to the user's role in the workspace
     |  users_url(self, workspace_id) -> str
     |      Returns:
     |         str: The workspace users endpoint, used for getting and modifying workspace users