Collibra (Beta)
Lightup is previewing Collibra catalog integration, which is currently a beta feature. When you integrate Lightup with your Collibra catalog, your Lightup data quality analysis feeds into your Collibra catalog asset page.
For example:
- You can publish an asset's Lightup data quality score to its catalog asset page's Quality tab.
- You can incorporate Lightup metrics into the Quality tab's details, providing information about how many rows passed or failed, a quality score, and an overall result for the asset (whether on the whole it meets quality standards).
- For tables and columns, an asset's Lightup metrics, monitors, and any incidents appear in Collibra on the catalog asset page's Details tab.
If you're interested in integrating Lightup and Collibra, reach out to [email protected] for more information.
Updated over 1 year ago