
    class IncidentClient(lightctl.client.base_client.BaseClient)
     |  Helper functions for acessing incidents
     |  Example:
     |      mc = MetricClient()
     |      wc = WorkspaceClient()
     |      rc = MonitorClient()
     |      ic = IncidentClient()
     |      workspace_list = wc.list_workspaces()
     |      for workspace in workspace_list:
     |          workspace_id = workspace["uuid"]
     |          metric_list = mc.list_metrics(workspace_id)
     |          for metric in metric_list:
     |              metric_id = metric["metadata"]["uuid"]
     |              monitor_list = rc.get_monitors_by_metric(workspace_id, metric_id)
     |              for monitor in monitor_list:
     |                  incidents = ic.get_incidents(workspace_id, monitor["metadata"]["uuid"], start_ts, end_ts)
     |                  num_incidents = 0
     |                  if len(incidents) > 0:
     |                      num_incidents = len(incidents)
     |                      print("Workspace {workspace['name']} Metric {metric['metatdata']['name']} Monitor {monitor['metadata']['name']} {num_incidents} Incidents)
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  incidents_url(self, workspace_id) -> str
     |      Returns:
     |         str: The incidents endpoint, used for getting incidents
     |  list_incidents(self, workspace_id: str, start_ts: int, end_ts: int, *, monitor_id: Union[str, NoneType] = None, metric_id: Union[str, NoneType] = None, source_id: Union[str, NoneType] = None, status: Union[str, NoneType] = None) -> Dict
     |      Args:
     |          workspace_id (str): Id of workspace
     |          start_ts (int): start of time range in which to search for incidents
     |          end_ts (int): end of time range in which to search for incidets
     |          monitor_id (str): [Optional] Id of monitor associated with the incident
     |          metric_id (str): [Optional] Id of metric associated with the incident
     |          source_id (str): [Optional] Id of datasource associated with the incident
     |          status (str): [Optional] Incident status
     |      Returns:
     |          list: List of matching incidents in the specified time range
     |  update_incident_status(self, workspace_id: str, id: str, status: str) -> Dict
     |  update_incident_validation(self, workspace_id: str, id: str, status: str) -> Dict