
    class ProfilerClient(lightctl.client.base_client.BaseClient)
     |  Helper functions for acessing table configuration
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  column_uuid_from_column_name(self, workspace_id: str, source_uuid: str, table_uuid: str, column_name: str) -> Union[str, NoneType]
     |      Get column uuid from column name
     |      Args:
     |          workspace_id (str): Workspace id
     |          source_id (str): id of datasource
     |          table_uuid (str): id of datasource
     |          column_name (str): name of schema
     |      Returns:
     |          str: column uuid
     |  get_column_profiler_config(self, workspace_id: str, source_uuid: str, table_uuid: str, column_uuid: str) -> Dict
     |      Get column configuration
     |      Args:
     |          workspace_id (str): Workspace id
     |          source_uuid (str): id of datasource
     |          table_uuid (str): id of schema
     |          column_uuid (str): id of column
     |      Returns:
     |          dict: column config
     |  get_schema_profiler_config(self, workspace_id: str, source_uuid: str, schema_uuid: str) -> Dict
     |      Get schema configuration
     |      Args:
     |          workspace_id (str): Workspace id
     |          source_uuid (str): id of datasource
     |          schema_uuid (str): id of schema
     |      Returns:
     |          dict: schema config
     |  get_table_profiler_config(self, workspace_id: str, source_uuid: str, table_uuid: str) -> Dict
     |      Get table configuration
     |      Args:
     |          workspace_id (str): Workspace id
     |          source_uuid (str): id of datasource
     |          schema_uuid (str): id of schema
     |      Returns:
     |          dict: table config
     |  list_columns(self, workspace_id: str, source_uuid: str, table_uuid: str) -> List[Dict]
     |      Get all columns in a table
     |      Args:
     |          workspace_id (str): Workspace id
     |          source_uuid (str): Datasource id
     |          table_uuid (str): Table id
     |      Returns:
     |          list: a list of tables
     |  list_schemas(self, workspace_id: str, source_uuid: str) -> List[Dict]
     |      Get all schemas in a workspace and specified datasource
     |      Args:
     |          workspace_id (str): Workspace id
     |          source_uuid (str): Datasource id
     |      Returns:
     |          list: a list of schemas
     |  list_tables(self, workspace_id: str, source_uuid: str, schema_uuid: Union[str, NoneType] = None) -> List[Dict]
     |      Get all tables in a datasource
     |      Args:
     |          workspace_id (str): Workspace id
     |          source_uuid (str): Datasource id
     |          schema_uuid (str): [Optional] Schema id
     |      Returns:
     |          list: a list of tables
     |  profiler_base_url(self, workspace_id: str, source_uuid) -> str
     |      Returns:
     |         str: The profiler endpoint, used for getting and modifying profiler configuration
     |  schema_uuid_from_schema_name(self, workspace_id: str, source_uuid: str, schema_name: str) -> str
     |      Get schema uuid from schema name
     |      Args:
     |          workspace_id (str): Workspace id
     |          source_uuid (str): id of datasource
     |          schema_name (str): name of schema
     |      Returns:
     |          str: schema uuid
     |  table_uuid_from_table_name(self, workspace_id: str, source_uuid: str, table_name: str, schema_name: Union[str, NoneType] = None) -> Union[str, NoneType]
     |      Get table uuid from table name
     |      Args:
     |          workspace_id (str): Workspace id
     |          source_id (id): id of datasource
     |          table_name (str): name of table
     |          schema_name (str): name of schema that table is in
     |      Returns:
     |          str: table uuid
     |  update_column_profiler_config(self, workspace_id: str, source_uuid: str, table_uuid: str, column_uuid: str, data: Dict) -> Dict
     |      Update configuration for a column
     |      Args:
     |          workspace_id (str): Workspace id
     |          source_id (str): id of datasource
     |          table_uuid (str): id of schema
     |          column_uuid (str): id of schema
     |          data (dict) new schema configuration
     |  update_schema_profiler_config(self, workspace_id: str, source_uuid: str, schema_uuid: str, data: Dict) -> Dict
     |      Update configuration for a schema in a datasource
     |      Args:
     |          workspace_id (str): Workspace id
     |          source_id (str): id of datasource
     |          schema_uuid (str): id of schema
     |          data (dict) new schema configuration
     |  update_table_profiler_config(self, workspace_id: str, source_uuid: str, table_uuid: str, data: Dict) -> Dict
     |      Update configuration for a table in a datasource
     |      Args:
     |          workspace_id (str): Workspace id
     |          source_id (str): id of datasource
     |          table_uuid (str): id of table
     |          data (dict) new schema configuration