Lightup Cloud Free Trial

You can use a Lightup Cloud Free Trial to try Lightup's data quality capabilities in our Cloud environment with sample data in a Demo workspace. Trial participants have the Viewer workspace role in the Demo workspace, which includes an integrated Onboarding Guide that steps you through the process of setting up data quality checks.

Start a free trial of Lightup Cloud

  1. Browse to , and select Start Lightup Free Trial.
  2. On the page that opens, choose the Lightup Cloud option.

Explore your own data

In addition to the Demo workspace, you'll have your own workspace where you have the Admin workspace role. You can securely connect to your own datasource in this workspace, and can invite others to join this workspace, for a total of up to 5 users. Because you're a workspace admin, you can add a datasource and create your own metrics and monitors, for hands-on exploration.

To connect to your datasource, you might need to whitelist the Lightup Cloud IP address:

More information about Lightup Cloud

See Lightup Cloud for more information about deployment options and configuration details that are available when you subscribe.