Create a virtual timestamp

If you find you have no timestamp column available but you know how to compute your timestamp using a suitable column, you can create a virtual timestamp.

  1. Select the timestamp setting, and then click Create Virtual Timestamp +.
  2. In the form that appears, select a column with values you can turn into a timestamp using functions.
  3. Enter a function for converting the column's values into UTC-format timestamp values. For example, if you store timestamps as the epoch with millisecond precision, your input might be TO_TIMESTAMP({column_value}/1000).
  4. Enter a function for converting UTC-format timestamp values into valid column values, then select Save. For example, your input might be EXTRACT(epoch FROM {timestamp_value}) *1000.

Virtual timestamp function examples

The following two tables lists functions you can use to transform a column value to and from a timestamp value in each datasource— one for numeric column values and one for string column values. You can use these as a starting point, adjusting the transformation as needed to accommodate your column values.

Numeric column values

In these examples, the source column values are stored as the epoch with millisecond precision.

AthenaFROM_UNIXTIME({column_value} / 1000)TO_UNIXTIME({timestamp_value}) * 1000
BigQueryTIMESTAMP_MILLIS({column_value})UNIX_SECONDS({timestamp_value}) * 1000
DatabricksCAST(({column_value} / 1000) AS TIMESTAMP)UNIX_TIMESTAMP({timestamp_value})::BIGINT * 1000
DremioTO_TIMESTAMP(CAST({column_value} AS BIGINT)/1000)CAST(DATE_PART('EPOCH', {timestamp_value}) \* 1000 AS VARCHAR)
GreenplumTO_TIMESTAMP({column_value} / 1000)EXTRACT(epoch FROM {timestamp_value}) * 1000
HiveFROM_UNIXTIME(CAST({column_value} / 1000 AS BIGINT))UNIX_TIMESTAMP({timestamp_value}) * 1000
Microsoft SQLDATEADD(s, {column_value} / 1000, '19700101')CAST(DATEDIFF(s, '19700101', {timestamp_value}) <br><br>AS BIGINT) * 1000
Oracle(timestamp '1970-01-01 00:00:00') + numtodsinterval({column_value} / 1000, 'second')(CAST(SYS_EXTRACT_UTC({timestamp_value}) AS DATE) - DATE '1970-01-01' ) * 86400 * 1000
PostgresTO_TIMESTAMP({column_value} / 1000)EXTRACT(epoch FROM {timestamp_value}) * 1000
RedshiftTIMESTAMP 'epoch' + {column_value} / 1000 * interval '1 second'EXTRACT(epoch FROM {timestamp_value})::bigint * 1000
SnowflakeTO_TIMESTAMP({column_value} / 1000)EXTRACT(epoch FROM {timestamp_value}) * 1000
TeradataTO_TIMESTAMP({column_value} / 1000)CAST(((CAST(CAST({timestamp_value} AS TIMESTAMP) AS DATE AT 'GMT') - DATE '1970-01-01') * 86400 + (EXTRACT(HOUR FROM CAST({timestamp_value} AS TIMESTAMP) AT 'GMT') * 3600) + (EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM CAST({timestamp_value} AS TIMESTAMP) AT 'GMT') * 60) + (EXTRACT(SECOND FROM CAST({timestamp_value} AS TIMESTAMP)))) * 1000 AS BIGINT)

String column values

In these examples, the source column values are stored as date/time strings with one-second precision, e.g., 2024-03-15 16:24:51.

BigQueryCAST({column_value} AS TIMESTAMP FORMAT YYYY-MM-DD-HH24-MI-SS)UNIX_{timestamp_value}
DatabricksCAST(({column_value}) AS TIMESTAMP)UNIX_{timestamp_value})::BIGINT * 1000
DremioTO_TIMESTAMP(CAST({column_value} AS BIGINT)/1000)CAST{timestamp_value}
GreenplumTO_TIMESTAMP({column_value} / 1000)EXTRACT{timestamp_value}
HiveFROM_UNIXTIME(CAST({column_value} / 1000 AS BIGINT)){timestamp_value}
Microsoft SQLDATEADD(s, {column_value} / 1000, '19700101'){timestamp_value}
Oracle(timestamp '1970-01-01 00:00:00') + numtodsinterval({column_value} / 1000, 'second'){timestamp_value}
PostgresTO_TIMESTAMP({column_value} / 1000){timestamp_value}
RedshiftTIMESTAMP 'epoch' + {column_value} / 1000 * interval '1 second'EXTRACT({timestamp_value}
SnowflakeTO_TIMESTAMP({column_value} / 1000)EXTRACT {timestamp_value}
TeradataTO_TIMESTAMP({column_value} / 1000){timestamp_value}