Slice specific training periods and alerts
If your metric has multiple slices, you can set up separate, customized training periods and alert channels per slice. You can configure slice specific training periods and alerts while creating or editing a monitor. Slices that do not have training periods or alerts setup will inherit the global/default training periods and alerts setup on the monitor
Review slices on the metric

Setup slice specific customized training periods and alerting
If you don't already have a monitor on a metric with slices, set one up. If your metric already has a monitor, you can edit the monitor and customize its training period and alert configuration
Slice Alerting
You should setup a default alerting configs that will be inherited by all slices
- In the "Define section" scroll to the alerting section at the bottom and first add the default alerting configuration (alert channel, notification muting schedule and mute notification toggle)
- In the "Define section" scroll to the alerting configuration at the bottom and click on "+Slice Alerting", then choose the slice on which you want to customize alerting configuration and save the configuration.
- The changes will only take effect when the monitor is saved

Slice Alerting

Slice specific training periods
In the "Train" tab, click on "+" in the "Training" section and add training period.
- Setup the default training first that will be inherited by all slices
- Setup slice specific training for slices on which you want to customize the training periods
- The changes will only take effect when the monitor is saved
- You can edit or delete slice specific alerts by clicking on the alert definition for the slice

Review the training output for the slice specific training

- You can edit or delete slice specific training by clicking on the training period for the slice
Updated 4 months ago