Lightup account setup
To begin, complete the following steps in Incorta.
Cloud Admin role needed
To prepare Incorta for Lightup integration, you must be a cloud admin in your Incorta instance.
Enable connections to external BI tools
On your User Profile menu, select Cloud Admin Portal.
Open the Cluster Management Console.
Select the connected cluster that you want to integrate with Lightup.
In the middle column on the Main tab, under Connect External BI Tools, make sure connections are enabled. If they are disabled, select → Connect external BI tools, and enable them on the page that opens.
When connections are enabled, the connection strings display just below the setting. Copy the SQL Interface Connection String— when people connect to this datasource in a workspace, they'll need this info.
Set up Lightup user account
- Create a user named lightup. Make note of the password.
- Select the new user account, and then add it to a group that has the Analyze User role.
Grant Lightup user access to schemas
On your Incorta Home page, select the Schema tab.
For each schema you want Lightup to access, open the vertical dots menu at the end of the schema's row and select Share. Then in the Share modal, select the Lightup user.
Note the tenant name
- On your User Profile menu, select About.
- Save a copy of the tenant name listed in the information modal that opens— when people connect to this datasource in a workspace, they'll need this info.
Connect to an Incorta datasource
- In the left pane select Datasources*
- In the main page select Create Datasource +.
- Enter a Datasource Name, and then for Connector Type select Incorta.
- Under Configure connector, provide the following inputs:
- Host Name - The SQL Interface Connection String. This information should be available from the person responsible for preparing the Incorta database to support Lightup connections.
- Database Name - The tenant name for the Incorta database. This information should be available from the person responsible for preparing the Incorta database to support Lightup connections. Each datasource can only connect to one database. If you need to connect to more than one, you'll need to create a datasource for each.
- Username - The name of the Lightup user.
- Password - The Lightup user's password.
- After entering the required settings and any optional settings that apply, below the Configure connector section select Test Connection.
- After a successful connection test, select Save.
- Your new datasource appears in the list of available datasources. By default, these are listed in alphabetical order, so you might have to scroll or change the sort order to see your new datasource.
Advanced/Schema scan frequency
You can adjust how often scans run for a datasource.
- In section 3 - Advanced, select a value for Schema scan frequency: Hourly, Daily, or Weekly.
Query Governance
Incorta datasources support the Query History, Scheduling, Enable data storage, and Maximum backfill duration, and Maximum distinct values settings. For steps, see Set query governance settings for a datasource.
Date/time data types
These Incorta date/time data types are supported:
Object types
These Incorta object types are supported:
Updated 6 months ago