
Steps to prepare and connect to Redshift

The following instructions will create a connection to a Redshift database. (Lightup also supports Redshift Serverless)

Lightup account setup

Lightup needs an account that can query data and metadata for all tables you want to monitor. You might already have an account set up that will work, or you might need to create one. Give the account sufficient permissions, preferably using a security role.

You can run the following DDL as a DBA to set up a role and the Lightup user account, with the following adjustments:

  • You can use whatever role name you want (readaccess is just an example).
  • The script creates a user account named lightup, but you can use an existing account or a different name if you prefer.
  • GRANT CREATE on all databases you want Lightup to see (cdb is just an example).
  • GRANT USAGE ON and GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA for all schemas you want Lightup to see (testdata is just an example).
  • Substitute your own password for **redacted**.
CREATE ROLE readaccess;
GRANT CREATE ON DATABASE cdb TO role readaccess;
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA testdata TO role readaccess;
GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA testdata TO role readaccess;
GRANT SELECT ON pg_catalog.svv_table_info TO role readaccess;
CREATE USER lightup PASSWORD '**redacted**';
GRANT ROLE readaccess TO lightup;

Connect to a Redshift datasource

  1. In the left pane select Datasources*
  2. In the main page select Create Datasource +.
  3. Enter a Datasource Name, then for Connector Type select Redshift.
  4. Under Configure connector, provide the following inputs:
  • Host Name - The cluster endpoint, without the port and database. For help finding the endpoint, use the Redshift console to get information about the cluster where the database is: the Endpoint is in the General information section). Example:
  • Database Name - The name of the database you're connecting to. Each datasource can only connect to one database. If you need to connect to more than one, you'll need to create a datasource for each.
  • Username - The username of the account used for connecting to the database and querying data.
  • Password - The username account's password.
  1. After entering the required settings and any optional settings that apply, below the Configure connector section select Test Connection.
  2. After a successful connection test, select Save.
  3. Your new datasource appears in the list of available datasources. By default, these are listed in alphabetical order, so you might have to scroll or change the sort order to see your new datasource.

Advanced/Schema scan frequency

You can adjust how often scans run for a datasource.

  • In section 3 - Advanced, select a value for Schema scan frequency: Hourly, Daily, or Weekly.

Query Governance

Redshift datasources support all query governance features.

Date/time data types

These Redshift date/time data types are supported:

Object types

These Redshift object types are supported:

  • Tables
  • Views
  • Materialized Views

Supported Services

Lightup currently supports:

  • Redshift Data Warehouse
  • Redshift Serverless