Metric types

Aggregation metrics

Calculate an aggregate function on a column's values for a set of rows

AvgReturns the sum of values divided by number of rows.Numeric
CountReturns the count of values.Any (not recommended for ID columns)
Count UniqueReturns the count of distinct values.Any (not recommended for ID columns)
MaxReturns the largest value.Numeric
MedianReturns a number for which half of the values are smaller and half are larger.Numeric
MinReturns the smallest value.Numeric
PercentileReturns the value at or below which the specified fraction of values in its frequency distribution falls.Numeric
St.DevReturns the standard deviation.Numeric
SumReturns the sum of values.Numeric

Conformity metrics

Calculate the percent of rows that conform to a condition

Contains/Does not contain stringCompares selected column's values with input string.String
Equal/Not equalCompares selected column's values with input.Any
Greater thanCompares selected column's values with input number and matches if the column's value is greater.Numeric
Greater than or equal toCompares selected column's values with input number and matches if the column's value is greater.Numeric
In/Not inCompared selected column's values with an input set of values.Any
In column/Not in columnCompares selected column's values with a second column's values.Any
Is decreasingChecks that column values are always decreasing. Returns 100% when current value is less than the previous value, and 0% when it is greater than or equal to the previous value.Numeric
Is increasingChecks that column values are always increasing. Returns 100% when current value is greater than the previous value, and 0% when it is less than or equal to the previous value.Numeric
Is uniqueChecks for unique values.Any
Length equal toCompares selected column's values with input number and matches if the length is equal.String
Length greater thanCompares selected column's values with input number and matches if the length of the column value is greater.String
Length greater than or equal toCompares selected column's values with input number and matches if the length of the column value is equal or greater.String
Length less thanCompares selected column's values with input number and matches if the length of the column value is smaller.String
Length less than or equal toCompares selected column's values with input number and matches if the length of the column value is equal or smaller.String
Less than or equal toCompares selected column's values with input number and matches if the column's value is greater.Numeric
Match pattern/Does not match patternCompares selected column's values with input pattern.String
Match regex/Does not match regexCompares selected column's values with input regular expression.Any
Null/Not nullChecks selected column's values for nulls.Any

Comparison metrics

Calculate how much two similar objects match

Compare aggregateMeasures the degree to which two aggregate metrics match.
Row by RowMeasures the percentage of rows in two tables where the key columns match, and the values of attribute columns in those matching rows.

Distribution metrics

Calculate the distribution of a column's values

DistributionMeasures the distribution of distinct values.

Table metrics

Measure characteristics of a table's behavior

Data delayMeasures the time elapsed since the most recent data arrived.
Data volumeMeasures the number of rows loaded.

SQL metrics

SQL metrics support any valid SQL.