Lightup Lite

Lightup Lite is a feature-restricted version of Lightup that you can download to your own machine. Just login with your work credentials, use our docker commands to download and install, and then try out Lightup on your own data.


  • A PC running macOS or Linux.
  • You must have Docker and the Docker Compose plugin installed, and Docker must be running.

Docker resource requirements

  • 2 CPUs minimum, 4 CPUs recommended
  • 8GB memory
  • 1GB swap
  • 10GB virtual disk minimum

Routing requirements

Lightup Lite can only be accessed through Lightup only works with validated domains so if another access method is used then this will not work. If Lightup Lite is installed on a VM that does not have browser access to, you can use an SSH tunnel to connect to a machine that can open in a browser.

For example, if Lightup Lite is installed on a VM, and your MacBook has SSH access to that VM, you can set up a tunnel between your MacBook and the VM by running the following on the command line of your Mac:


When the command completes, Lightup Lite is accessible on a browser on your MacBook at

Feature restrictions

The following restrictions apply to Lightup Lite usage:

  • You can have at most three datasources.
  • You are the only user - you can't add more.
  • Your role is an application editor.
  • Integrations, including email, are not supported.