JUMP TOLightup Dashboard APIUse Lightup APIsHealth checkHealthzViewgetUsersGet existing application usersgetInvite user to the applicationpostDelete user from the applicationdeleteGet user datagetChange user's application role and/or expiration timepatchGet existing workspace usersgetAdd user to the workspacepostRemove user from the workspacedeleteChange user's workspace rolepatchIncidentsGet incident listgetGet the detail of an incidentgetGet the comments associated with the incidentgetCreate comment associated with the incidentpostDelete the comment associated with the incidentdeleteGet a specific comment associated with the incidentgetUpdate the comment associated with the incidentputAPI CredentialsGet access tokenpostCatalogsGet the list of catalogsgetCreate a new catalogpostDelete a catalogdeleteGet a cataloggetUpdate a catalogputWorkspacesGet existing workspacesgetCreate new workspacepostDeactivate existing workspacedeleteGet existing workspacegetModify existing workspacepatchDashboard chartGet dashboard chart listgetCreate new dashboard chartpostIntegrationsGet the list of integrationsgetCreate a new integrationpostDelete an integrationdeleteGet an integrationgetUpdate an integrationputMetricsGet metrics listgetCreate metricpostDelete metricdeleteGet metricgetUpdate metricputDatapointsGet datapoints for metricgetMonitorsGet monitor listgetCreate monitorpostDelete monitordeleteGet monitorgetUpdate monitorputGet slices associated with monitorgetDatasourcesGet datasource listgetCreate datasourcepostGet details about a specific triggergetTrigger metric collectionpostDelete datasourcedeleteGet datasourcegetUpdate datasourceputGet user dataget https://app.{clusterId}.lightup.ai/api/v0/users/{user_id}